Parse, Store and Find Resumes!

find candidates on any career site, parse all information from their profile or resume and save it to your computer to later find and manage it with simple web interface

everything recruiter needs to keep candidate information up-to-date and to access it anytime from any computer

try it! learn more
Search web for career profiles

Xray most popular sites and networks (channels) - LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow, Facebook - to find candidates

Search string

Parse career profiles

one push of a button - and all information from candidate's profile from career site is parsed, structured and saved to database and on your computer!

plugins are available for Chrome, Opera and FireFox

try it! learn more

Search your database

saved resumes, tags and related notes are searchable in easy-to-use intuitive interface with AI assisted smart search technology. Anytime. Anywhere.

all you need is a computer or mobile device with internet access!

try it!
PASTFIRE is in development

New features are added regularly

we are working hard getting feedback from recruiters to best decide which new features we will add our system

subscribe now to be among the first select recruiters to try it in action!